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What Questions To Ask When Looking Into Game Art Outsourcing Services?


So you’re looking for a game outsourcing studio – don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Before you decide which studio or provider is right for you, there are some essential questions to ask yourself and them. Read on to find out what they are! 

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What Is Your Process?

Before signing any contracts or agreements, it's essential to understand the workflow of a studio you want to hire for your game art outsource. Find out if they have a well-organized plan for ideas, asset production, and other components. Investigating these elements beforehand can make sure that the project progresses efficiently and without issues. Knowing the approaches that the studio typically takes could end up making all of the difference between having a powerful working relationship and a problematic one. Therefore, take it upon yourself to clarify their practices and procedures before making any sort of commitment. Doing so will help assure a smooth process of getting through conception to asset production on your project!


What Is Your Quality of Work?

When you're looking for game outsourcing to produce work for you, you want an outcome that's up to the standard you need — one that looks professional and will meet your expectations. To make sure a studio can deliver on these requirements, it can be beneficial to ask for examples of their past projects and take a closer look at them. Examining the quality and execution of prior results will give you an indication of what they can offer, and decide if they're able to reach the benchmark you have set. High-quality output is important, but at times the cost or turnaround time may override other considerations so try to find a producer that delivers both aspects.

Do You Have Experience in this Genre/Platform?

When selecting a provider for your project, be sure to look for one that has experience in the genre or platform you're working on. Companies with this expertise possess an in-depth understanding of what does and does not work, and thus can provide valuable counsel on how best to mount your effort's success. They may also offer useful insights about areas where you could modify, improve or innovate within the process. Having experience in the same genre gives these providers an understanding that allows them to act as reliable stewards of your venture, who will remain astute to all factors that affect it and help ensure its successful completion.

How Much Will It Cost?

Cost is always an essential issue to consider, so make sure you get a thorough estimate of the project's total cost. This should also include any potential hidden costs that might come to light further down the line. Go one step further and take the opportunity to run through each charge with the relevant contractor for further information. Doing so now can help you prepare for and address any issues before work commences. Evaluating potential expenses in advance is always something you should bear in mind. Being mindful of what has been proposed will allow you to stay on the same page and be level with expectations too!

What Are Your Communication Channels?

Effective communication is essential throughout the process. Make sure to inquire with your provider regarding their preferred channels of communication. Determine if they offer a mode of contact sufficiently suited to your needs so that you can remain in meaningful touch and ensure that progressing correctly. Take this a step further and check whether various conversations run effectively rather than breezing over operational topics. Any issues, hiccups, or random difficulties can be adroitly addressed with ease via exactly suitable mediums of correspondence without missing a beat.

How Do You Track Progress?

Are you curious about the progress tracking system they use? Some studios leverage specialized tools or software to facilitate the project process and track targets. Having this knowledge in advance can give you an edge in staying organized during the course of the work. Knowing about that tracking system beforehand will help things run smoother, saving both time and energy. It will also assist you in staying one step ahead of each milestone throughout the life of the entire project.

How Flexible Are You With Deadlines?

Creating a game is often a time-sensitive project, so it's important to make sure your service provider understands and respects each deadline. Ask about their typical turnaround times, and inquire about rush ordinance options if time is especially tight. Establishing these details from the outset can go a long way in making your process as stress-free as possible by ensuring expectations are clear. Dedicating yourself to meeting deadlines will also help establish trust between you and your service provider which is essential for building a successful relationship going forward.


What Is Your Quality Assurance Process?

Ensuring all of your assets are top quality is key for any successful game – don't settle for anything less than perfection! Before selecting a provider, make sure you inquire about their Quality Assurance process and how they ensure everything meets the necessary standards before delivering the deliverables to you. Putting in an extra step of rigorous quality control can give you peace of mind while avoiding the lackluster experience of subpar graphics or glitches in your gaming creation! 

Asking these four questions should give you a better idea of who might be right for your project when it comes to game art outsourcing services. Of course, there may be other factors that come into play depending on the size and scope of your project – but these four questions are a great starting point for finding the perfect partner for your next gaming venture! Good luck!