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CASE 08. Character Customization Teaser Trailer for MagicCraft


Devoted Studios role: Full Cycle Development, Art Production
Tech Details: Unity, NFT, Blockchain, Mobile, Web

About the Game

MagicCraft is an exciting multiplayer PvP MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Action) blockchain game on Binance Smart Chain. Players are able to take part in fast moving single or multiplayer battles, and earn the in-game $MCRT cryptocurrency. Free to play and play to earn options are available.

Make your gaming vision a reality!
Our team can help you create unique characters, environments, animations and more – all tailored specifically for your project. Contact us today and give players an unforgettable experience they won't soon forget!

About the Project

We performed full-cycle character customization for MagicCraft including 2D concepts and 3D modeling. Besides, we’ve got the task to put together the game's teaser trailer from scratch for MagicCraft. The peculiarity of this project was the limited period of time we had at our disposal.


The game is available in beta-version, and continues to add new features, such as Web3 Lobby System launched in March 2023.